Struggling to read something up close or squinting to see road signs can be early signs that it might be time for glasses. Recognizing these changes is important for both improving your vision and enhancing your overall quality of life. […]
Do Optometrists Always Dilate Your Eyes for an Eye Exam?
Eye dilation involves applying eye drops that enlarge the pupils, allowing your optometrist to get a clearer view of the retina and optic nerve. While dilation is important in diagnosing eye conditions, it isn’t required for every patient or exam. […]
Caring for Our Eye Health As We Age
Our eyesight, among many other things, tends to change as we get older. For any serious changes, it’s critical to […]
How Often Do We Need Eye Exams?
Most dentists will recommend a cleaning and dental exam twice a year, but how often do we need our eyes […]
How Do Animals See?
Human eyes are amazing, but there are some eyes in the animal kingdom that are pretty impressive too. Let’s look […]
Comprehensive Eye Exams and Education
Name five things you would expect to find in every school nurse’s office. Was the big E eye chart on […]
The Best Foods for Healthy Eyes
Eating carrots is supposed to improve our eyesight, right? That’s actually a leftover idea from a British propaganda campaign during […]
New to Glasses? Here’s Why They Rock.
Starting to wear glasses can be a big change for kids. They may often be tempted to leave their glasses […]
Cataract Treatment Across History
The world’s leading cause of blindness has always been cataracts. Naturally, treatment has come a long way. In the US […]
Fireworks and Common Sense Eye Safety
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Independence Day celebrations? Most likely, you thought of […]